Business Api Requirement
- 5% Shahring
- All Sports Supported
- Auto Odds/Sports/Casino/Games
- Unlimited LInk Up
- Source Code
- Attached Api(Cricket X+Fency+Live Tv)
Basic Api Requirement
- 3% Shahring
- All Sports Supported
- Auto Odds/Sports/Casino/Games
- For 5 Sites
- Source Code
- Attached Api(Cricket X+Fency+Live Tv)
Normal Api Requirement
- 5% Shahring
- All Sports Supported
- Auto Odds/Sports/Casino/Games
- For 1 Site
- Source Code
- Attached Api(Cricket X+Fency+Live Tv)
Free Api For One Hour
//Receive the response parameter
$status = $_POST['status'];
$signature = $_POST['signature'];
$identifier = $_POST['identifier'];
$data = $_POST['data'];
//Receive the response parameter
$status = $_POST['status'];
$signature = $_POST['signature'];
$identifier = $_POST['identifier'];
$data = $_POST['data'];
// Generate your signature
$customKey = $data[‘data’].$identifier;
$secret = ‘9HDI7HDSI9D94357YYUDY’;
$mySignature = strtoupper(hash_hmac(‘sha256’, $customKey , $secret));
$myIdentifier = ‘YOUR_GIVEN_IDENTIFIER’;
if($status == “success” && $signature == $mySignature && $identifier == $myIdentifier){
//your operation logic
powerstudiobd (verified owner)
সময় কমানোর চেষ্টা করেন ৭ দিন কিন্তু ওনে বেসি। আর বিশ্বাস নষ্ট ণা করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ।